Exhibition Stand Project Management
To make your exhibition success and smooth, you should meet – in any convenient way – a Project Manager from our side who will manage your trade fair participation. After we discussed and approved all the details including the exhibition stand design, we are going to do the following

- your trade fair display 3D design;
- selection of a quality and ecological material for your booth;
- water and electricity order for your trade show booth;
- selection or custom production of an exhibition furniture;
- fill in all the needed forms and prepare the entire paperwork related with the trade show;
- control the trade fair stand construction process continuously;
- Study and follow the rules and regulations of the trade fairs for smooth and easy execution;
- manage the trade show booth logistic to and from the venue;
- provide catering on the exhibition stand during the trade fair;
- help with elaboration of catchy and creative printed and virtual tools for attracting visitors to your exhibition booth;
- recommendations and realization of additional digital marketing strategy for informing your partners and clients about your bespoke exhibition stand;